Kent Bradley Kent Bradley

On Being

Do you agree?

I have begun to accept

Both doing and being

Valuing both equally

Albeit not always

I think it is possible to do and be

I can have a conversation and be

I can run and experience being

I can retreat and purposely be

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Kent Bradley Kent Bradley

The Lessons from a bridge

But trust is not something that is acquired from a book or presentation. It is a feeling and a belief.  It is nurtured, cared for, and protected.

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Kent Bradley Kent Bradley

Fables for the boardroom

I have begun to ponder about the simple lessons or should I say elemental lessons that are to be learned from the fables that were written so many years ago and read to children as babies.

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Kent Bradley Kent Bradley

Customer Satisfaction, sales and health

May you give and receive health today through the empathy you demonstrate for those who walk through the doors of your workplace – coworker and customer alike.

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